Package web2py :: Package gluon :: Module cache :: Class CacheOnDisk
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Class CacheOnDisk

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   object --+    
CacheAbstract --+

Disk based cache

This is implemented as a shelve object and it is shared by multiple web2py processes (and threads) as long as they share the same filesystem. The file is locked wen accessed.

Disk cache provides persistance when web2py is started/stopped but it slower than `CacheInRam`

Values stored in disk cache must be pickable.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, request)
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clear(self, regex=None)
Clears the cache of all keys that match the provided regular expression.
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__call__(self, key, f, time_expire=300)
Tries retrieve the value corresponding to `key` from the cache of the object exists and if it did not expire, else it called the function `f` and stores the output in the cache corresponding to `key`.
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increment(self, key, value=1)
Increments the cached value for the given key by the amount in value
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Inherited from CacheAbstract (private): _clear

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __str__

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from CacheAbstract: cache_stats_name

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, request)

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    the global request object

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

clear(self, regex=None)

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Clears the cache of all keys that match the provided regular expression.
If no regular expression is provided, it clears all entries in cache.

    if provided, only keys matching the regex will be cleared.
    Otherwise all keys are cleared.

Overrides: CacheAbstract.clear
(inherited documentation)

__call__(self, key, f, time_expire=300)
(Call operator)

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Tries retrieve the value corresponding to `key` from the cache of the
object exists and if it did not expire, else it called the function `f`
and stores the output in the cache corresponding to `key`. In the case
the output of the function is returned.

:param key: the key of the object to be store or retrieved
:param f: the function, whose output is to be cached
:param time_expire: expiration of the cache in microseconds

- `time_expire` is used to compare the current time with the time when
    the requested object was last saved in cache. It does not affect
    future requests.
- Setting `time_expire` to 0 or negative value forces the cache to

If the function `f` is `None` the cache is cleared.

Overrides: CacheAbstract.__call__
(inherited documentation)

increment(self, key, value=1)

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Increments the cached value for the given key by the amount in value

    key for the cached object to be incremeneted
    amount of the increment (defaults to 1, can be negative)

Overrides: CacheAbstract.increment
(inherited documentation)