Docs for P.__subclasshook__.__self__

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<type 'type'> extends (<class 'gluon.html.DIV'>,)

Will replace ``\n`` by ``<br />`` if the `cr2br` attribute is provided.

see also `DIV`


P.__subclasshook__.__self__.__add__ <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.__class__ <type 'type'> extends (<type 'object'>,) belongs to class <type 'type'>
type(object) -> the object's type type(name, bases, dict) -> a new type

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.__delattr__ <type 'wrapper_descriptor'> belongs to class <type 'wrapper_descriptor'>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.__delitem__ <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>
Deletes attribute with name 'i' or component #i. Args: i: index. If i is a string: the name of the attribute otherwise references to number of the component

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.__dict__ <type 'dictproxy'> belongs to class <type 'dictproxy'>

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.__doc__ <type 'str'> belongs to class <type 'str'>
str(object='') -> string Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.__format__ <type 'method_descriptor'> belongs to class <type 'method_descriptor'>
default object formatter

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.__getattribute__ <type 'wrapper_descriptor'> belongs to class <type 'wrapper_descriptor'>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.__getitem__ <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>
Gets attribute with name 'i' or component #i. If attribute 'i' is not found returns None Args: i: index. If i is a string: the name of the attribute otherwise references to number of the component

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.__hash__ <type 'wrapper_descriptor'> belongs to class <type 'wrapper_descriptor'>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.__init__ <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>
Args: components: any components that should be nested in this element attributes: any attributes you want to give to this element Raises: SyntaxError: when a stand alone tag receives components

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.__len__ <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>
Returns the number of included components

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.__module__ <type 'str'> belongs to class <type 'str'>
str(object='') -> string Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.__mul__ <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.__new__ <type 'builtin_function_or_method'> belongs to class <type 'builtin_function_or_method'>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.__nonzero__ <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>
Always returns True

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.__reduce__ <type 'method_descriptor'> belongs to class <type 'method_descriptor'>
helper for pickle

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.__reduce_ex__ <type 'method_descriptor'> belongs to class <type 'method_descriptor'>
helper for pickle

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.__repr__ <type 'wrapper_descriptor'> belongs to class <type 'wrapper_descriptor'>
x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.__setattr__ <type 'wrapper_descriptor'> belongs to class <type 'wrapper_descriptor'>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.__setitem__ <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>
Sets attribute with name 'i' or component #i. Args: i: index. If i is a string: the name of the attribute otherwise references to number of the component value: the new value

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.__sizeof__ <type 'method_descriptor'> belongs to class <type 'method_descriptor'>
__sizeof__() -> int size of object in memory, in bytes

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.__str__ <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>
str(COMPONENT) returns COMPONENT.xml()

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.__subclasshook__ <type 'builtin_function_or_method'> belongs to class <type 'builtin_function_or_method'>
Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass(). This is invoked early on by abc.ABCMeta.__subclasscheck__(). It should return True, False or NotImplemented. If it returns NotImplemented, the normal algorithm is used. Otherwise, it overrides the normal algorithm (and the outcome is cached).

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.__weakref__ <type 'getset_descriptor'> belongs to class <type 'getset_descriptor'>
list of weak references to the object (if defined)

P.__subclasshook__.__self__._fixup <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>
Handling of provided components. Nothing to fixup yet. May be overridden by subclasses, eg for wrapping some components in another component or blocking them.

P.__subclasshook__.__self__._postprocessing <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>
Handling of attributes (normally the ones not prefixed with '_'). Nothing to postprocess yet. May be overridden by subclasses

P.__subclasshook__.__self__._setnode <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

P.__subclasshook__.__self__._traverse <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

P.__subclasshook__.__self__._validate <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>
nothing to validate yet. May be overridden by subclasses

P.__subclasshook__.__self__._wrap_components <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>
helper for _fixup. Checks if a component is in allowed_parents, otherwise wraps it in wrap_parent Args: allowed_parents: (tuple) classes that the component should be an instance of wrap_parent: the class to wrap the component in, if needed wrap_lambda: lambda to use for wrapping, if needed

P.__subclasshook__.__self__._xml <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>
Helper for xml generation. Returns separately: - the component attributes - the generated xml of the inner components Component attributes start with an underscore ('_') and do not have a False or None value. The underscore is removed. A value of True is replaced with the attribute name. Returns: tuple: (attributes, components)

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.add_class <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>
add a class to _class attribute

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.append <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>
list style appending of components Examples: >>> a=DIV() >>> a.append(SPAN('x')) >>> print a <div><span>x</span></div>

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.element <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>
Finds the first component that matches the supplied attribute dictionary, or None if nothing could be found Also the components of the components are searched.

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.elements <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>
Find all components that match the supplied attribute dictionary, or None if nothing could be found All components of the components are searched. Examples: >>> a = DIV(DIV(SPAN('x'),3,DIV(SPAN('y')))) >>> for c in a.elements('span',first_only=True): c[0]='z' >>> print a <div><div><span>z</span>3<div><span>y</span></div></div></div> >>> for c in a.elements('span'): c[0]='z' >>> print a <div><div><span>z</span>3<div><span>z</span></div></div></div> It also supports a syntax compatible with jQuery Examples: >>> a=TAG('<div><span><a id="1-1" u:v=$>hello</a></span><p class="this is a test">world</p></div>') >>> for e in a.elements('div a#1-1,'): print e.flatten() hello world >>> for e in a.elements('#1-1'): print e.flatten() hello >>> a.elements('a[u:v=$]')[0].xml() '<a id="1-1" u:v="$">hello</a>' >>> a=FORM( INPUT(_type='text'), SELECT(range(1)), TEXTAREA() ) >>> for c in a.elements('input, select, textarea'): c['_disabled'] = 'disabled' >>> a.xml() '<form action="#" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"><input disabled="disabled" type="text" /><select disabled="disabled"><option value="0">0</option></select><textarea cols="40" disabled="disabled" rows="10"></textarea></form>' Elements that are matched can also be replaced or removed by specifying a "replace" argument (note, a list of the original matching elements is still returned as usual). Examples: >>> a = DIV(DIV(SPAN('x', _class='abc'), DIV(SPAN('y', _class='abc'), SPAN('z', _class='abc')))) >>> b = a.elements('', replace=P('x', _class='xyz')) >>> print a <div><div><p class="xyz">x</p><div><p class="xyz">x</p><p class="xyz">x</p></div></div></div> "replace" can be a callable, which will be passed the original element and should return a new element to replace it. Examples: >>> a = DIV(DIV(SPAN('x', _class='abc'), DIV(SPAN('y', _class='abc'), SPAN('z', _class='abc')))) >>> b = a.elements('', replace=lambda el: P(el[0], _class='xyz')) >>> print a <div><div><p class="xyz">x</p><div><p class="xyz">y</p><p class="xyz">z</p></div></div></div> If replace=None, matching elements will be removed completely. Examples: >>> a = DIV(DIV(SPAN('x', _class='abc'), DIV(SPAN('y', _class='abc'), SPAN('z', _class='abc')))) >>> b = a.elements('span', find='y', replace=None) >>> print a <div><div><span class="abc">x</span><div><span class="abc">z</span></div></div></div> If a "find_text" argument is specified, elements will be searched for text components that match find_text, and any matching text components will be replaced (find_text is ignored if "replace" is not also specified). Like the "find" argument, "find_text" can be a string or a compiled regex. Examples: >>> a = DIV(DIV(SPAN('x', _class='abc'), DIV(SPAN('y', _class='abc'), SPAN('z', _class='abc')))) >>> b = a.elements(find_text=re.compile('x|y|z'), replace='hello') >>> print a <div><div><span class="abc">hello</span><div><span class="abc">hello</span><span class="abc">hello</span></div></div></div> If other attributes are specified along with find_text, then only components that match the specified attributes will be searched for find_text. Examples: >>> a = DIV(DIV(SPAN('x', _class='abc'), DIV(SPAN('y', _class='efg'), SPAN('z', _class='abc')))) >>> b = a.elements('span.efg', find_text=re.compile('x|y|z'), replace='hello') >>> print a <div><div><span class="abc">x</span><div><span class="efg">hello</span><span class="abc">z</span></div></div></div>

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.flatten <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>
Returns the text stored by the DIV object rendered by the render function the render function must take text, tagname, and attributes `render=None` is equivalent to `render=lambda text, tag, attr: text` Examples: >>> markdown = lambda text,tag=None,attributes={}: {None: re.sub('\s+',' ',text), 'h1':'#'+text+'\n\n', 'p':text+'\n'}.get(tag,text) >>> a=TAG('<h1>Header</h1><p>this is a test</p>') >>> a.flatten(markdown) '#Header\n\nthis is a test\n'

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.insert <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>
List-style inserting of components Examples: >>> a=DIV() >>> a.insert(0,SPAN('x')) >>> print a <div><span>x</span></div>

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.regex_attr <type '_sre.SRE_Pattern'> belongs to class <type '_sre.SRE_Pattern'>
Compiled regular expression objects

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.regex_class <type '_sre.SRE_Pattern'> belongs to class <type '_sre.SRE_Pattern'>
Compiled regular expression objects

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.regex_id <type '_sre.SRE_Pattern'> belongs to class <type '_sre.SRE_Pattern'>
Compiled regular expression objects

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.regex_tag <type '_sre.SRE_Pattern'> belongs to class <type '_sre.SRE_Pattern'>
Compiled regular expression objects

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.remove_class <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>
remove a class from _class attribute

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.sibling <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>
Finds the first sibling component that match the supplied argument list and attribute dictionary, or None if nothing could be found

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.siblings <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>
Finds all sibling components that match the supplied argument list and attribute dictionary, or None if nothing could be found

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.tag <type 'str'> belongs to class <type 'str'>
str(object='') -> string Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.update <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>
dictionary like updating of the tag attributes

P.__subclasshook__.__self__.xml <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>