Docs for Field

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<type 'type'> extends (<class 'pydal.objects.Expression'>, <class 'pydal.helpers.classes.Serializable'>)


Field.Lazy <type 'type'> extends (<type 'object'>,) belongs to class <type 'type'>

Field.Method <type 'type'> extends (<type 'object'>,) belongs to class <type 'type'>

Field.Virtual <type 'type'> extends (<type 'object'>,) belongs to class <type 'type'>

Field.__add__ <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.__class__ <type 'type'> extends (<type 'object'>,) belongs to class <type 'type'>
type(object) -> the object's type type(name, bases, dict) -> a new type

Field.__delattr__ <type 'wrapper_descriptor'> belongs to class <type 'wrapper_descriptor'>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del

Field.__dict__ <type 'dictproxy'> belongs to class <type 'dictproxy'>

Field.__div__ <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.__doc__ <type 'NoneType'> belongs to class <type 'NoneType'>

Field.__eq__ <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.__format__ <type 'method_descriptor'> belongs to class <type 'method_descriptor'>
default object formatter

Field.__ge__ <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.__getattribute__ <type 'wrapper_descriptor'> belongs to class <type 'wrapper_descriptor'>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>

Field.__getitem__ <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.__gt__ <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.__hash__ <type 'wrapper_descriptor'> belongs to class <type 'wrapper_descriptor'>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)

Field.__init__ <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.__invert__ <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.__le__ <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.__lt__ <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.__mod__ <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.__module__ <type 'str'> belongs to class <type 'str'>
str(object='') -> string Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.

Field.__mul__ <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.__ne__ <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.__new__ <type 'builtin_function_or_method'> belongs to class <type 'builtin_function_or_method'>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T

Field.__nonzero__ <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.__or__ <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.__reduce__ <type 'method_descriptor'> belongs to class <type 'method_descriptor'>
helper for pickle

Field.__reduce_ex__ <type 'method_descriptor'> belongs to class <type 'method_descriptor'>
helper for pickle

Field.__repr__ <type 'wrapper_descriptor'> belongs to class <type 'wrapper_descriptor'>
x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)

Field.__setattr__ <type 'wrapper_descriptor'> belongs to class <type 'wrapper_descriptor'>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value

Field.__sizeof__ <type 'method_descriptor'> belongs to class <type 'method_descriptor'>
__sizeof__() -> int size of object in memory, in bytes

Field.__str__ <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.__sub__ <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.__subclasshook__ <type 'builtin_function_or_method'> belongs to class <type 'builtin_function_or_method'>
Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass(). This is invoked early on by abc.ABCMeta.__subclasscheck__(). It should return True, False or NotImplemented. If it returns NotImplemented, the normal algorithm is used. Otherwise, it overrides the normal algorithm (and the outcome is cached).

Field.__truediv__ <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.__weakref__ <type 'getset_descriptor'> belongs to class <type 'getset_descriptor'>
list of weak references to the object (if defined)

Field.abs <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.as_dict <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.as_json <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.as_xml <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.as_yaml <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.avg <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.belongs <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>
Accepts the following inputs:: field.belongs(1,2) field.belongs((1,2)) field.belongs(query) Does NOT accept: field.belongs(1) If the set you want back includes `None` values, you can do:: field.belongs((1,None), null=True)

Field.clone <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.coalesce <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.coalesce_zero <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.contains <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>
For GAE contains() is always case sensitive

Field.count <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'> <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.endswith <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.epoch <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.formatter <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.hour <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.ilike <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.len <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'> <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.lower <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.max <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.min <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.minutes <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.month <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.regexp <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.replace <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.retrieve <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>
If `nameonly==True` return (filename, fullfilename) instead of (filename, stream)

Field.retrieve_file_properties <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.seconds <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.set_attributes <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.sqlsafe <type 'property'> belongs to class <type 'property'>

Field.sqlsafe_name <type 'property'> belongs to class <type 'property'>

Field.st_asgeojson <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.st_astext <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.st_contains <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.st_distance <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.st_dwithin <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.st_equals <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.st_intersects <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.st_overlaps <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.st_simplify <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.st_simplifypreservetopology <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.st_touches <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.st_within <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.st_x <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.st_y <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.startswith <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'> <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.sum <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.upper <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.validate <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.with_alias <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>

Field.year <type 'instancemethod'> belongs to class <type 'instancemethod'>